印度马哈拉施特拉邦孟买的产品经理Rohan Lulla
Rohan is available for hire
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Rohan Lulla

Verified Expert  in Product Management

Product Manager

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Toptal Member Since
September 29, 2020

Rohan在创业公司和企业环境中拥有超过14年的产品和工程管理经验. 除了领导和交付跨多个领域的项目为企业,如沃达丰, Unilever, McDonald's, Dominos, and Singapore Post, 他带领敏捷团队构建了每年超过3亿美元交易的产品. Rohan在通过Deliveroo交付创新项目并取得重大成果的过程中发展了他的专业知识, LogiNext, and his own startup.

Project Highlights

Real-time Auto Dispatch Engine
Routed critical and non-critical transactions worth millions annually through the launch and continuous improvement of the real-time auto dispatch engine at LogiNext.
Professional Matching Engine
Designed and developed the core professional matchmaking engine that was key to SoulSkill's first round of investment by the Dutch government's Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF).
Cross Time Zone Support
领导组织范围内的活动,引入对跨时区事务和移动的支持. 这为LogiNext平台上的全球运输引入了功能.


Work Experience

Senior Product Manager

2019 - PRESENT
LogiNext Solutions Inc
  • 拥有三个产品线和三个核心路线优化引擎的整体产品战略和路线图.
  • Pioneered industry-first functionality to bring together on-demand and scheduled operations support in a single route optimization engine.
  • 概念化并建立了两条高收入产品线,使收入和采用率增加了25%以上. 这些模块成为整个产品套件中使用率最高、收益最高的模块.
  • 通过领导组织的数据分析部门,引入了数据驱动的产品开发框架.
  • 通过定义35个以上的使用指标来帮助定义5个产品线的分析策略, measure, track, 修改组织的产品策略和绩效.
  • 领导产品营销活动,包括组织产品发布说明的所有权, API documentation, and knowledge base. 通过参考AP和Mailchimp内容样式指南形成内容样式指南.
  • Conceptualized and built more than five interactive dashboards for client leadership teams to view and analyze their overall product KPIs, including overall summary analytics, real-time auto-dispatch analytics, and driver-compliance analytics.

Technical Product Manager

2017 - 2019
LogiNext Solutions Inc
  • 领导组织的整体集成策略,包括创建. 超过60个API,标准化和引入API框架,并实现设计最佳实践.
  • Led integrations with over 20 SaaS tools used across the organization to automate various business processes as well as by department heads and business analysts.
  • Spearheaded the organization's Agile transformation by introducing the Scrum framework and acting as a scrum master and product owner.
  • Optimized release cycles by 40% by implementing Scrum across the company and led three Scrum teams to successfully restructure release processes.
  • Consistently eliminated technical debt by working closely with engineering to define and develop the platform architecture from a scalability perspective.
  • 通过引入敏捷和流程遵从性,将表现不佳的团队转变为表现出色的团队.

Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer

2015 - 2018
TrussBot Holding B.V. | SoulSkill
  • 领导组织的技术和产品愿景. SoulSkill acquired 25,000+候选人和80+招聘合作伙伴, 在推出的第一年内,每月关闭约15个职位.
  • 确定核心行业痛点和备选解决方案, 还有进入市场战略和扩展路线图.
  • 设计了两个核心推荐和优化算法,这是平台的核心. 他们结合使用交易和心理参数来寻找职位空缺的最佳候选人.
  • 领导评估历史数据的两个后端算法的路线图和实现, psychometric evaluation, entity clustering, and match quality to find outcomes.
  • Identified 20+ key metrics (100+ overall) to implement a product design framework (job stories) to align user expectations with product features.
  • Achieved 99.通过领导网络平台的工程,提高了9%的产品可用性. 为规模定义了一个面向未来的应用程序架构.
  • 通过引入Scrum,将交付时间提高了60%. 为产品和技术团队之间的平稳过渡定制sprint.
  • 领导与多个合作伙伴系统的集成,并开发报告框架,以实现团队之间的无缝沟通, with minimal overhead.
  • Developed a white-label framework to allow the SoulSkill web application to be embedded in partner systems for a consistent experience.

Senior Analyst

2012 - 2015
  • Served as the primary business analyst for two web applications (Careers Marketplace and Career Planning) that were being built to help the global employee base build and plan their professional careers based on their aspirations.
  • 收集需求并为Careers Marketplace门户构建搜索功能, which considered a user's past searches, current location and designation, business vertical, 并根据过去的申请推荐工作.
  • Secured the necessary sign-offs for 100+ features in 25+ sprints over two years as the primary business analyst for two web application products.
  • Collaborated with onshore and offshore stakeholders to identify the product roadmaps and requirements based on data analytics and usage of the portals.
  • Reduced the human effort for testing cycles by 20% by introducing automation initiatives for the Careers Marketplace and Career Planning platforms. 领导两个平台的交付和签字.


2010 - 2012
  • Eliminated 80% of the effort and human errors by leading the planning and implementation of eight tools that automated data assimilation, cleansing, and transformation.
  • 减少周转时间超过60%,通过创建一个集中, one-stop web portal for service requests. 该解决方案是为印度团队创建的,随后在埃森哲的全球范围内得到广泛认可和实施.
  • Collaborated with the internal stakeholders to build and implement a framework for ETL testing for the data warehouses being built by the organization.

Real-time Auto Dispatch Engine


Routed critical and non-critical transactions worth millions annually through the launch and continuous improvement of the real-time auto dispatch engine at LogiNext.

The real-time auto dispatch engine allows customers to transform their business operations in the gig economy by improving driver utilization by over 30% and ensuring that time commitments for orders are met. The engine is one of the most widely used capabilities of the LogiNext platform and has been implemented in over 20 markets by leading quick-service restaurants (QSRs), 比如麦当劳和肯德基的特许经营权, Burger King, Pizza Hut, and Starbucks. The real-time auto dispatch engine is directly responsible for generating millions in annual recurring revenue for LogiNext.

Professional Matching Engine

Designed and developed the core professional matchmaking engine that was key to SoulSkill's first round of investment by the Dutch government's Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF).

该平台的价值主张是通过关注留存率来简化求职过程. 专业匹配引擎是大约500个用户访谈的结果. It used psychometric evaluations and machine learning to refine the similarity index of candidates and help recruiters better understand and make better matches based on past behavior on the platform and the feedback provided.

Cross Time Zone Support

领导组织范围内的活动,引入对跨时区事务和移动的支持. 这为LogiNext平台上的全球运输引入了功能.

Over 20 enterprise customers were onboarded in the six months after the first release of cross time zone support was introduced in the LogiNext platform. 该模块是该组织企业战略的关键组成部分.

I conducted the research, led the implementation of the entire module, and worked across teams within the organization to simultaneously launch the module across four different product lines with zero bugs.

COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Platform


Enhanced the platform's capabilities for cold storage transportation such as temperature tracking and real-time alerts for vaccine transportation scenarios.

Led the concept and implementation of the LogiNext Mile E2E platform for multimodal order transportation and route optimization capabilities. In 2020, I planned and implemented enhancements to the Mile E2E platform to cater to cold storage capabilities targeted toward vaccine transportation and tracking. 通过使用敏捷实践,项目在两个月的周转周期内交付.

自2020年12月启动疫苗分发平台以来, the platform has garnered significant praise and interest and is in advanced stages of implementation with transportation organizations.

Integrations Marketplace

构思并推出了LogiNext集成市场, 它是与15多个不同的erp进行即插即用集成的地方, payment platforms, communications platforms, and map sources.

The LogiNext Integrations Marketplace reduces integration challenges and development time to zero by hosting 15+ out-of-the-box, 即插即用集成模块,包括像SAP这样的系统, Oracle, Twilio, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. 对于组织来说,集成市场仍然是一个高价值的模块, 并且还会定期添加新的集成.

SoulSkill Web Application

Designed and developed the SoulSkill web application that possessed the onboarding and workflow capabilities for both recruiters and candidates.

SoulSkill网络应用程序为候选人和招聘人员提供了动态的入职流程. 它是使用NoSQL后端和基于图形的节点边缘框架构建的. I designed the entire workflow and candidate tracking through the entire screening process in a seamless dashboard that recruiters could view. 这款web应用获得了很好的反馈,将NPS从5提升到了8.
2006 - 2010


University of Mumbai - Mumbai, India


Professional Scrum Master (PSM-1)
